5 Essential Oils To Calm Flight Anxiety

by Shannon van de Laar

We all know someone who loves travelling but because of anxiety, they will only do it if they can avoid flying.

Aviophobia; or the fear of flying is real and is diagnosed by a professional. This only affects 2.5% of the population (Travel & Leisure; 2022). However, experiencing anxious feelings about flying is very common for a lot of travellers.

So what exactly is anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural response when we become stressed out or we worry about something. We may worry about something we think may be about to happen or something that could happen in the future. Not only do our thoughts contribute to anxiety but we also may feel different physically as well. 

 It is not a nice feeling when we do not feel in control. Or we begin to experience the negative effects of stress. And to make it worse, feeling like this at the start and end of a holiday can only lead to feeling like this during your time away also. This leads to avoiding travel altogether.

What negative effects does anxiety about flying have on our mental and physical well-being?

So what can anxiety about flying look and feel like?


  • You may seem like everything around you is moving at a rapid pace
  • You overthink people’s reactions, leading to more worrying. For example – you head through security at the airport and an official is constantly staring at you, or your bag needs to be rescanned.
  • You feel foggy and cannot think straight. You feel flustered and not focused.


  • You feel light-headed
  • You have a churning or “butterflies” in your stomach
  • You feel sweaty

These effects may differ from person to person and anxiety may appear in a number of other ways to you. 

How to calm feelings of anxiety when flying

There are many ways you can calm the anxious feelings you experience when flying. For some, it is breathing techniques and visualisation. Others it is with medication.

For me, it is the use of essential oils. The use of essential oils is a great, natural way in reducing symptoms of anxiety. I experience “butterflies” when flying (well around the checking-in process). If you focus on the smells of the oils these feelings can be eased.

Below are 5 of the more common oils you can find that may calm feelings of anxiety when flying. 


As one of the most well-known and easiest to purchase essential oils, Lavender is a floral scent with hints of woodiness. Not only will it be able to assist you with its calming smell, but it is also one of the best oils available that may assist you with relaxing and sleeping on the plane; another side effect of anxiety that some people may experience. 

purple petal flowers focus photograph
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


Fresh and floral, jasmine is often used as a base note in perfumes. Inhaling jasmine is known to enhance wellbeing and the feeling of happiness. Unlike lavender, jasmine is able to calm your symptoms of anxiety without the feeling of sleepiness; perfect for short flights or early morning departures. For some, it may even be an energy booster. This can also be used as your holiday scent too.


The citrus notes of bergamot are also found in many perfumes and are known to be a great mood booster when inhaled. This can calm your nervous system and reduce anxiety without making you drowsy. Bergamot is also a herb that is used in Earl Grey tea, which is also another way to assist with anxiety when flying – drinking tea!


Extracted from the petals of the flower with the same name, the floral scent of the rose is known to relax and calm the senses to avoid overstimulation. Rose is a great oil to use in self-massage while on the plane and foot soaking when you arrive at your destination. Both of these practices can aid in the reduction of anxiety symptoms also. 

pink flower
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


It is not hard to feel positive and feel your mood increase with the tropical scent ylang ylang, making it the perfect smell for a vacation. Not only does it have a calming effect on your nervous system but it can be known to lower blood pressure in some individuals. 


For a truly gorgeous scent that can reduce the effects of anxiety as well as lift your spirits, try mixing lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang with some carrier oil like almond or coconut, and dab it on your pulse points. 

But can you take essential oils on a plane?

Yes. The only restriction that you have with essential oils is the liquid size limit. Always check with your chosen airline before flying to see if they have their own rules about carrying essential oils in your carry-on.

Final thoughts

While this is what has worked for me in the past, treating anxiety symptoms is a personal journey and what works for me, may not work for you. I personally think the benefits of travel outweigh the reasons not to go because of anxiety, so if you have the desire to travel, do what you can to go!

Don’t be afraid to reach out if you feel you need more for your anxiety and stress? Contact Beyond Blue within Australia or one of the many support agencies in your country.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this blog should be considered as a guide and is based on personal opinion. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. We recommend doing your own research before using essential oils and always read the advice on the bottle. Some essential oils are not suitable for those on medication, with medical conditions, children or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Please consult your healthcare professional for advice that is relevant to you personally. We do not take any responsibility for the misuse of essential oils.

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Mick August 26, 2022 - 11:23 am

Trust me they help a lot 😄
Excellent for a plane or even on a road trip.

Shannon van de Laar August 26, 2022 - 12:25 pm

I love that you see the benefit of them, mate (for those reading this, this is my son)


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