A Tween’s View of Backpacking

by Shannon van de Laar

Travelling with children is the most wonderful, yet challenging experience. And as kids get older, the challenges are a little different.

As our two are seasoned travellers we get a lot more input from them about the type of accommodation we choose or the experiences we do. Even as part of their home schooling, they were required to research the place we were going, and find activities they would like to do in each place.

How much do we consider what our tween and teen want?

If you have a tween or teen, you know that sometimes they can be a little demanding. And a little selfish. This is normal child development. But as we are taking them away from their comforts, and into new environments, it is important to consider their wants and likes, so our travels are great for all.

At one point during our current travels, we needed to change accommodation. So we asked the children what they enjoy in an accommodation. Commonly, it was good WiFi (and as a blogger, I agree). Tate said she prefers not sleeping in a bunk bed (poor thing always has the top), and Mick loves a good buffet breakfast. Neither of them mentioned’ hot shower’ (which by this particular point, i thought they would have).

After this conversation, I thought I would take the time to ask the kids what they love and don’t love about travelling in general.

At the time of answering these, Tate is 10, and will be 11 in one month. Check out Tate’s opinion here.

What is the best thing about backpacking?

Seeing new places and how they are all different. I love exploring.

Tate with our guide, Ronald, in Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica

What is the worst thing about backpacking?

When you feel not so good you have to miss out of seeing places or see them when you feel sick because you are always moving around, and you don’t get to stay in one place for a long time.

In your opinion, what is the difference between a hotel and a hostel?

Hostels you don’t usually get what you expect. They always look fancier in the photos. And then they are smaller when you get there. Hotels, you can look online on their websites, not just ‘booking.com’ for that stuff because they are bigger and there are more of them. And they all look the same if you have stayed in one in another city.

What is your favourite thing about staying in a hostel?

The atmosphere and people who stay there are travelling like us as well. And they talk to you about where they have been and give good advice about restaurants and places

What is your favourite thing about staying in a hotel?

A lot of the time it is the luxury because sometimes I like luxury and sometimes I don’t. I like that we get free stuff for the shower. And sometimes I like a bath or can use a pool. 

What is the one thing you need to make an accommodation good?

Window. If you don’t have windows you don’t have fresh air. It needs to be clean. They need to be nice to their customers. And make sure they have supplies you need like bedding and toilet paper.

What is the best place you have visited in the world and why?

The beach where all the penguins are in South Africa. I love penguins and it is so cool to see so many in the wild.

Tate at Boulders Beach, South Africa, age 5.

Final Thoughts

Before you do any type of travel, we believe it is important to sit down with your kids and find out what is important to them. Openly discuss your budget, and listen to their opinions. By doing this, we have found our overall experience to be well balanced for everyone’s interests, less stressful, and most of all helps us create amazing family memories.

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