Why we think Spain is the best country in the world

by Shannon van de Laar

We are the family that would have an endless summer if we could. Chasing the sun and constantly having saltwater skin and sandy toes would be a dream lifestyle. Spain was our second home during our time in Europe and we can honestly say, it is now one of our favourite places in the world.

Spain is often loved for its laidback lifestyle and wonderful weather. For us, we love Spain for other reasons.

top view of a sliced pizza
Photo by Faizan on Pexels.com

1. You can never have a bad pizza in Spain 

Yes. Not Italy… Spain! Pizza is often associated with Italy. And for some the United States. But no matter the region, town, or restaurant we have gone to, we have never had a bad pizza. Often the most reasonably priced item on a menu, the size won’t disappoint and we often have this for our main meal, normally lunch, just like the locals. 

2. Napping is almost mandatory

I will never be able to get used to how quickly a beach can empty out in the middle of the day. One minute it is a crowd of people laughing, swimming, and tanning. The next minute, there is no one around. This usually happened at 1 pm when locals would head off for lunch and then a siesta. Not just for holidaymakers. Napping is just a part of everyday life in Spain. You might find that stores are closed between 2 and 5 pm for siesta. Some restaurants even close at 3 to then reopen at 8 pm.

woman napping with hat on her face
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

3. They appreciate you trying to speak Spanish

We have found that any attempt to speak the language in Spain is appreciated by the locals. Whether it is a simple greeting as you walk into your hotel or trying to order a meal. In other countries we have been to, get frustrated with mispronunciation (or completely butchering a word). Spanish people appreciate you trying, especially with the kids, while you try and get your point across. 

4. It is a country that has everything

Spain is a popular holiday destination for those who love a warm climate. However, Spain is so much more than that. From UNESCO World Heritage Sites to some of the world’s most stunning beaches, every city in Spain is so different. After travelling around the country over the last few years we saw the diversity first hand. Stopping in Arenys de Mar in the Costa Brava coastal region, we enjoyed restaurants on the sand. Spending a few days inland in Granada, we enjoyed the medieval fortress of Alhambra. Barcelona is truly another world city that never sleeps, and you really have to pinch yourself when driving through the Andalucia region surrounded by mountains that are a ski destination in winter. 

building architecture travel courtyard
Photo by Chiaroscuro on Pexels.com

Final thoughts

We have been so lucky to see so much of Spain, that I would be happy to answer any questions you have. Comment below, or click on the ‘Have a Question?’ section above, and send me a message. 

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Kyra July 20, 2022 - 5:26 pm

You had me at napping is almost mandatory! It’s always seemed so wild to me, but it makes so much sense!

Shannon van de Laar July 21, 2022 - 5:35 am

It really does change how you feel and approach the rest of the day. It will be a practice I take back to Australia with me, that’s for sure.

Hannah July 20, 2022 - 7:43 pm

I agree completely – we live only 5 hours north of the Spanish border, so visit regularly. I love siesta time – it’s a much better pace of life!

Kelly July 20, 2022 - 8:05 pm

I can’t wait to visit Spain. I love the idea of a siesta. Best sleeps are during the day. I also heard there was great wine in Spain 🙂

Shannon van de Laar July 21, 2022 - 5:34 am

The BEST wine! And that is coming from the girl that grew up near a wine region in Australia.

Ildiko July 21, 2022 - 1:01 am

Spain is amazing. I have only been to Barcelona, Tarragona, and Seville, but was so impressed. The food in Seville was fantastic. Funny, we did have pizza at one place. Of course, the Gazpacho was incredible, as were all the tapas. would love to go back and explore the Andalusia area, and see Madrid.

Shannon van de Laar July 21, 2022 - 5:33 am

Isn’t Tarragona the best! I have a lot more content about Spain coming soon.

Amber July 21, 2022 - 10:30 am

Kicking myself for not trying pizza when I was in Spain–I plan to go back, though, so hopefully I’ll get another chance!

Jenn July 23, 2022 - 7:22 pm

I second this sentiment wholeheartedly – Spain is the BEST! How can anyone not love the siesta hour when EVERYONE takes a break?!

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:04 am

I know. Makes for a very chilled out lifestyle


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