Screen-free ways to keep children entertained in airports

by Shannon van de Laar

Keeping children entertained can be tricky at the best of times. And in modern times, keeping them entertained without a screen is even harder. 

But there are times when we need to dig deep as parents and help our kids to pass the time. Some of those moments are trips in the car, waiting in line, and of course, waiting at the airport. 

And how tempting are airports for children?! Wide open spaces to run, large masses of carpeted areas, and lots of chairs to climb. Of course this is not ideal. And we certainly don’t encourage it. 

Airports that are full of entertainment

There are many airports around the world that are fine to be waiting at for a long time, and that offer entertainment for children.

These are our Top 3 international airports that the kids have the most fun in. 

1. Changi Airport, Singapore

This giant airport is my personal favourite airport to be in with children, especially younger children. Not only does this airport have playgrounds and children’s changing and toilet facilities, there is so much to see and do.

Depending on how long you have and what terminal you are waiting in for your flight, will depend on what you can do. 

indoor waterfall at changi airport singapore
Photo by Connecting Flights Guide on

Terminal 2 is great for older children. Here you will find a free Entertainment Deck featuring game consoles to use, a free movie theatre that shows family friendly movies, and an Enchanted Garden. 

In Terminal 3, there is another free movie theatre. You will also find a butterfly garden and a koi pond. 

2. Hamad International Airport, Qatar

Firstly, I will start by saying this is a very expensive airport so if you find that you will be staying at this airport for more than a few hours, I recommend being prepared with snacks, either from home or from the plane. You will find water fountains to refill drink bottles though. 

But other than that, this is a fun airport to be in. As you wander through the terminal, large bronze looking statues are everywhere you look. And some of them have been made into playgrounds for the kids. While this is the main child-friendly activity, the kids never seemed to be tired of it, and then several years later, asked specifically to go back to the climbing statues. 

Mick & Tate at Hamad International Airport in February 2020, aged 8 and 10 (photo by Shannon)

3. Schiphol  – Amsterdam Airport

After you go through the security check in Europe’s 3rd busiest airport, you will be met with some really cool and fun experiences for children.

If you have visited Amsterdam with kids, you would have sure to have visited the NEMO Science Museum. If you haven’t, then you will be able to get a taste of the museum with 8 interactive experiences. Not only will the kids be entertained for ages, they will be learning too! On the first floor next to the food court, you will find a kids playground too. 

But what if the airport we are at is not child-friendly?

Since the first big trip we did with the kids when they were 2 and 4 (8 ½ years ago), we have always been prepared for non child friendly places, and long waiting times. And the children didn’t have screens then either. 

During these 3 months of travelling, we had countless minutes of waiting time. Waiting for planes, trains, cabs, buses, and in ride queues at Disneyland. And don’t forget waiting for food when kids are HANGRY!

Waiting for flights, especially international flights, were the longest. We were also travelling light, so other than a small notepad and pen, and a deck of Uno cards, we didn’t have a lot with us for entertainment. 

Photo by Adam Mills on Unsplash

So what did we do to keep the children entertained in airports?

What we did then, and what we do now has not changed one bit! These are our 3 best ways to keep our children entertained in airports, lines, and at restaurants, without screens.

1. Uno

No matter if we are going on a camping weekend, or a 2 month backpacking trip, ‘Uno’ is always on the list. Even when packing light, you can always fit in a deck of cards. Uno can be played by children of all ages (and adults) and can be played anywhere from an airport floor, to a beach club, to travelling on a bus

2. Paper and pen games

Just a notebook and a pen is all you need to pass the time. We have played hangman, pictionary, and noughts and crosses. We have also used the paper to make chatterboxes with our own unique questions. 

3. No-object games

Games that can be done anywhere are my favourite! Think about those times where all you have is your words and yourselves! Waiting in lines, take-off and landing, nice restaurants – all of those times that your kids will probably say they are “bored”. Think “I Spy”, “20 Questions” and “Simon Says”. These types of games can be done from toddlers to teenagers, with a never ending amount of scenarios. 

Final Thoughts

Making  sure you think ahead and be prepared before you depart, is the  best way to keep children entertained in airports, and more. 

With my background in early childhood, I have so many of these types of games and activities handy when we travel anywhere. And I feel so selfish keeping them to myself! 

I have turned my favourite 24 games and activities, into a screen-free BOREDOM BUSTERS idea sheet. You can get your FREE copy by subscribing now at the bottom of the page.

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Daniela September 7, 2022 - 6:08 pm

Thank you so much for writing this post. I don’t have children of my own but I think it’s very important to show younger generations how meaningful life can be outside screens!

Shannon van de Laar September 8, 2022 - 8:51 am

Thank you for reading. I hope my kids get the right balance. Who knows! But I do know that parents often do what ever is easy in times of high stress, so hoping these little prep tricks can help.

Jeanine September 7, 2022 - 8:26 pm

These are all fantastic ideas especially for airports as they are there so long

Shannon van de Laar September 8, 2022 - 8:50 am

And even longer than ever lately!

Lisa Manderino September 8, 2022 - 3:22 am

Planning is essential when traveling in airports with kids! Great idea to bring snacks!

Shannon van de Laar September 8, 2022 - 8:50 am

Exactly. Even if saving money is not the first objective, but fussy eaters and allergies too!

Shafinah September 8, 2022 - 4:51 pm

My heart stopped to see Changi Airport make your list – sending you lots of love all the way here from Singapore! ❤️❤️

Shannon van de Laar September 9, 2022 - 4:47 am

I not only love the airport but I LOVE Singapore! How lucky you are to live there.

Jessy Hamel September 8, 2022 - 11:03 pm

I’m hoping to travel with my nieces when they’re older so this is a definite keeper! Thank you!

Shannon van de Laar September 9, 2022 - 4:47 am

Travelling with kids isn’t as scary as people think. Keep an eye out on my page for more travel tips.

Shar September 9, 2022 - 10:05 am

This is so thoughtful! It’s true that spending time in such ways are better.

Caitlin September 9, 2022 - 1:06 pm

Great post! I don’t have kids of my own, but I’m the proud aunt to almost 8 nieces and nephews ranging between newborn and 10 years old. The older kids recently learned how to play hangman, so it’s our new favorite screen free activity haha!

Shannon van de Laar September 10, 2022 - 5:25 am

You have your hands full super aunt! Check out our Boredom Busters when you subscribe for even more fun ideas.

Lasma September 10, 2022 - 4:50 pm

Interesting read! I don’t have kids, but it is nice to know that there are so many other ways to keep them entertained. Especially during long waiting times. Great article!

Shannon van de Laar September 11, 2022 - 4:49 pm

Thank you. I know a lot of parents have great tech and app options, but often it isn’t appropriate to have those devices (think lines at Disneyland. And having a back up is great for “flat batteries”.

Linda Jane September 11, 2022 - 10:34 am

Keeping children entertained is a constant challenge. Thanks so much for sharing your tips and experiences !

Shannon van de Laar September 11, 2022 - 4:45 pm

My pleasure. I have a lot more of those. I just need to get them into words.

Lashelle September 13, 2022 - 3:18 pm

This is such a great post for families who like to travel (like mine does)! We don’t have internet at home so wifi free is something I’m pretty good at. I like to download educational books when I have Wifi and then let my son listen to them. You can never go wrong with some fun chapter books or the little blue truck. I also like to read to my son myself and that helps so much with learning how to read. My mom use to pick up goody bags with little prizes in them for us for being good from the dollar store. A new coloring book, little cars, pick-up-sticks, jacks…. there’s SO many fun options. Thanks for sharing!

Shannon van de Laar September 14, 2022 - 4:18 am

Thank you for your kind words. They are also some awesome ideas. I will be sharing a post about our family “grab bags” in a few weeks.

Marie September 13, 2022 - 4:05 pm

Loved all of the info! I’m an optometric physician so I’m always discussing screen time and how to limit it.

Shannon van de Laar September 14, 2022 - 4:16 am

There are so many benefits of course. I just know, and have seen that sometimes it is all parents can think of in those situations. Hopefully I can spread the word about these ideas.

Anjali Tripathi September 15, 2022 - 9:47 am

For parents, some of the most dreaded words include “airplane” and “travel.” The idea of having to entertain a child in a small space for hours at a time can feel overwhelming . These are some great ideas. Thanks for sharing.

Shannon van de Laar September 15, 2022 - 4:49 pm

I hope it helps a lot of families

Emily September 16, 2022 - 8:17 pm

Those looks like awesome airports. When my kids are older I’ll definitely need to remember to throw a game of uno into my bag

Shannon van de Laar September 17, 2022 - 5:19 am

At home we have a pack in our car, one in the camping gear box, and one in the “travel” box, where we keep our adapters etc

ANUKRATI DOSI September 19, 2022 - 6:29 am

Thank you for sharing such a helpful post. If the luggage limit allows, a couple of board games like Scrabble and Monopoly are also so much fun,

Shannon van de Laar September 20, 2022 - 4:47 am

Absolutely. We had a small travel edition of each of those once from McDonalds. So tiny, yet so fun!


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