Why Normandy should be on your Travel Bucket List

by Shannon van de Laar

Normandy is full of life and history. People who have visited Normandy fall in love with its quaint charm and stunning landscapes. The region offers a unique blend of history, art, and delicious cuisine. But for us, we wanted to see the region for its connection to World War 2. 

The landing beaches of Normandy (photo by Shannon)

The Battle of Normandy includes “D-Day”, which happened in June of 1944. This battle is known across the world as the beginning of the end of WWII. D-Day and The Battle of Normandy have been the subject of many movies and tv shows over the years so even those who are not equipped with World War 2 knowledge, heading to the beaches in Normandy will surely give you goosebumps. 

Omaha Beach (photo by Shannon)

Our family visit to Normandy

Our first stop was Omaha Beach and the Normandy American Cemetery. Although Rog and I had seen images and footage of the cemetery (think the opening scene of ‘Saving Private Ryan’), it cannot prepare you for how immense the site is. It is well maintained and clean, and even after all these years, it draws visitors paying their respects from all around the world. We walked around the cliffs and the length of Omaha Beach. You cannot help but picture the soldiers storming the beaches where you stand.

Normandy American Cemetery (photo by Shannon)

Later that evening we walked along the beach again, back to our accommodation. This is where we really felt goosebumps. The tide quickly came in as the lighting changed. While we had a giggle about getting wet and having to wade through the water home, it dawns on you how difficult it was to time the tides for the landings in 1944. 

Rog and the kids as the tide came in at Omaha Beach (photo by Shannon)

During our trip, we also visited Pointe Du Hoc. On this clifftop that overlooks the English Channel, you can still see the remains of German bunkers and machine gun posts. 

Pointe Du Hoc (photo by Shannon)

You do not need to be an expert to visit these and other significant sites from World War 2 in the area. There are guides and tours at many of the sites. You will also find that signage is usually in English. 4G is also great in this region, so you can always ask Google to give you a hand if you need more information. 

From our kid’s point of view

Fortunately for our kids, Rog knows a lot about this battle and history in general, so we don’t always need to fight crowded areas to read signs and information. Both the children were fascinated by what they saw and asked a lot of questions, especially about any involvement Australian soldiers may have had. As the memorials we visited were outside, both of the kids enjoyed it more. (Fresh air and a view of the water is always a winner in our family). If you have young children, then visiting the outside memorials and sites is perfectly fine. We only came across a few signs that contained slightly graphic images of the battles, but honestly, younger children would not even notice. 

Having lived in The Netherlands for the last few years has given Mick and Tate more knowledge of World War 2 than most. There are many museums and stories throughout the country so adding this experience was amazing. There is not much out there for children to watch about Normandy before you visit. However, visiting will certainly positively impact them for years to come. 

Why Normandy should be on your travel bucket list

Normandy may not be a destination you think of visiting when planning a European vacation, but it should be! It certainly is a region that offers something for everyone and needs to be on your travel bucket list. 

Best time to visit

Normandy experiences 4 distinct seasons. Although summer is the most idyllic time to visit the beaches and enjoy the outdoor terraces, winter is where you will find the best deals for accommodation. Choosing this time is great if you are heading to the region for the countless museums and landmarks. 

You can avoid the crowds during May, or September. You will still have great weather and it will be significantly quieter outside of European Summer. 

Getting around

With so much to explore in Normandy, it is most enjoyed by bike or car. There are many areas where parking the car and then walking to points of interest is convenient. There is also public transportation in the major towns and taxis are available, but it is more expensive.

Highlights of Normandy 

In addition to seeing the sights of The Battle of Normandy, Check out 4 of the best highlights of Normandy. 

1. Outdoor adventures

Normandy hosts 640 kilometres of coastline and expansive landscapes. The region is a great place for a summer getaway, even if history is not your thing. Ziplining, kayaking, golf, summer sledding, hiking, and mountain biking are all on offer. 

2. Unique Sightseeing

A must see in the Normandy region is The Mont-Saint-Michel which is surrounded by a bay. Known to the locals as a gravity-defying abbey, the unforgettable site is an island topped with stunning architecture. Top Tip: Places like The Mont-Saint-Michel are open as late as midnight during the summer. They will start to lower ticket prices after 7 pm and still offer special night shows, so consider this when planning your Normandy itinerary. 

3. History

You can continue your history lesson by visiting the Le Cite de la Mer, Cherbourg Which is a devoted underwater exploration museum that includes the biggest visitable sub in the world. This is also the deepest aquarium in Europe. 

4. Food and Wine

The Normandy region is a great spot for amazing food and wine. Wine lovers can join a winery bike tour, and check out boutique wineries across Normandy. One mentionable boutique is Vignes Normandes on the outskirts of the city. This cozy winery offers indoor and outdoor seating and continues to show off Normandy’s charming architecture. Up and down the coast you will find some great seafood restaurants. From seafood platters to basic fish and chips, local fishing is at its finest in this area. Normandy is also home to some of the most wonderful apples in Europe so no visit is complete without indulging in some local apple cider (with or without alcohol). 

Final Thoughts

Normandy is an excellent spot for a weekend getaway or a longer vacation. There are plenty of accommodation options and getting around is easy by car; making it the perfect road trip. Even if you are not into history, we still feel that it is worth going to at least Omaha Beach and the Normandy American Cemetery, as it is such an important part of the region and the world.

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Daniela July 23, 2022 - 6:44 am

I road tripped Normandy a few years ago and visited Giverny, Rouen, Étretat, Le Havre, Honfleur, Omaha Beach, and Mont Saint-Michel! This French region has so many amazing destinations that I wouldn’t mind repeating it! 🙂

Shannon van de Laar July 23, 2022 - 7:05 am

That’s great. It is so wonderful, isn’t it? We were hoping to be able to go again before moving back to Australia but ran out of time! So glad it is off my bucket list and cannot wait to visit again one day.

Fiona Mai July 23, 2022 - 7:28 am

I also think taking children to historical sites is one of the best ways for them to learn about history. Great to know your kids enjoyed such a day out exploring the sights of The Battle of Normandy. 🙂

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:30 am

It really is. We watched some documentaries about the region and the battles before we went there too, so it really was an eye-opening experience for them both.

Gina July 23, 2022 - 8:07 am

It looks amazing! I’ve been wanting to take my Dad to the region for years. I’ve bookmarked the post for future travel planning.

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:28 am

I am so pleased. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Alma July 23, 2022 - 9:06 am

Love your main photo of Normandy! I have always been fascinated by this area and piece of history but unfortunately have never had the opportunity to visit, so thanks for sharing your experience and tips.

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:24 am

Thanks for reading. I cannot take credit for that photo. Mine did not do that sight justice.

Maggie July 23, 2022 - 12:57 pm

I was supposed to go to Normandy in March 2020…and, well, that obviously didn’t work out lol. But I’m planning on rescheduling for 2023! There’s so much history there!

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:14 am

I still feel like we have so much to explore there. I hope you make it there then. You will love it.

Terri July 23, 2022 - 3:28 pm

Your children have such a wonderful opportunity to live in Europe and go on travel safaris with their parents on the continent. This is a great writeup.

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:14 am

Thank you so much. We have been very lucky to have had such wonderful experiences over the last few years.

Shannon July 23, 2022 - 3:52 pm

I was planning to visit in 2020, but the plans got canceled due to the pandemic. I hope to make it soon!

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:12 am

Fingers crossed for you!

Linnea July 23, 2022 - 4:17 pm

Amazing tips! Mont-Saint-Michel is high on my list of things to see. I didn’t know that apples were such a. big there either!

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:12 am

We had no idea until we were there too

Jenn July 23, 2022 - 7:20 pm

An underwater museum?! Count me in! Normandy looks like an amazing place to spend a few days – adding it to my France bucket list!

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:11 am

Great! I love helping people find new places

Yvonne July 23, 2022 - 7:30 pm

Normandy is already on my bucket list but I had no idea about Le Cite de la Mer. That sounds fascinating and is even more of a reason to visit! Thanks for sharing!

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:03 am

Trust me. After visiting the list gets longer and longer! Definitely a place that you need to go to more than once.

Brittany July 23, 2022 - 7:48 pm

I would love to visit Normandy to learn about the WWII history. It sounds like there are plenty of other fun things to do there, too! Thanks for sharing 🙂

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:03 am

There is! And we didn’t even get to everything and we were there a couple of days.

Jennifer Mostert July 24, 2022 - 6:20 am

A visit to Normandy was never on my travel bucket list, until now! Thanks for a great recommendation.

Shannon van de Laar July 25, 2022 - 8:02 am



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